
VR Cloud Gaming UX: Exploring the Impact of Network Quality on Emotion, Presence, Game Experience and Cybersickness

分类: 人机交互

作者: Maximilian Warsinke, Tanja Kojić, Maurizio Vergari, Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons, Sebastian Möller

发布时间: 2024-08-22

链接: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.12238v1

摘要: This study explores the user experience (UX) of virtual reality (VR) cloud gaming under simulated network degradation conditions. Two contrasting games (Beat Saber, Cubism) were streamed via Meta Air Link to a Quest 3 device in a laboratory setup. Packet loss and delay were introduced into the streaming network using NetEm for WiFi traffic manipulation. In a within-subjects experiment, 16 participants played both games under three network conditions (Loss, Delay, Baseline), followed by post-game questionnaires assessing their emotions, perceived quality, game experience, sense of presence, and cybersickness. Friedman's test and Dunn's post-hoc test for pairwise comparisons revealed that packet loss had a greater impact on UX than delay across almost all evaluated aspects. Notably, packet loss in Beat Saber led to a significant increase in cybersickness, whereas in Cubism, players experienced a significant reduction in their sense of presence. Additionally, both games exhibited statistically significant variations between conditions in most game experience dimensions, perceived quality, and emotional responses. This study highlights the critical role of network stability in VR cloud gaming, particularly in minimizing packet loss. The different dynamics between the games suggest the possibility of genre-specific optimization and novel game design considerations for VR cloud games.

Working in Extended Reality in the Wild: Worker and Bystander Experiences of XR Virtual Displays in Real-World Settings

分类: 人机交互

作者: Leonardo Pavanatto, Verena Biener, Jennifer Chandran, Snehanjali Kalamkar, Feiyu Lu, John J. Dudley, Jinghui Hu, G. Nikki Ramirez-Saffy, Per Ola Kristensson, Alexander Giovannelli, Luke Schlueter, Jörg Müller, Jens Grubert, Doug A. Bowman

发布时间: 2024-08-19

链接: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10000v1

摘要: Although access to sufficient screen space is crucial to knowledge work, workers often find themselves with limited access to display infrastructure in remote or public settings. While virtual displays can be used to extend the available screen space through extended reality (XR) head-worn displays (HWD), we must better understand the implications of working with them in public settings from both users' and bystanders' viewpoints. To this end, we conducted two user studies. We first explored the usage of a hybrid AR display across real-world settings and tasks. We focused on how users take advantage of virtual displays and what social and environmental factors impact their usage of the system. A second study investigated the differences between working with a laptop, an AR system, or a VR system in public. We focused on a single location and participants performed a predefined task to enable direct comparisons between the conditions while also gathering data from bystanders. The combined results suggest a positive acceptance of XR technology in public settings and show that virtual displays can be used to accompany existing devices. We highlighted some environmental and social factors. We saw that previous XR experience and personality can influence how people perceive the use of XR in public. In addition, we confirmed that using XR in public still makes users stand out and that bystanders are curious about the devices, yet have no clear understanding of how they can be used.

VRCopilot: Authoring 3D Layouts with Generative AI Models in VR

分类: 人机交互, 人工智能, 新兴技术

作者: Lei Zhang, Jin Pan, Jacob Gettig, Steve Oney, Anhong Guo

发布时间: 2024-08-18

链接: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09382v1

摘要: Immersive authoring provides an intuitive medium for users to create 3D scenes via direct manipulation in Virtual Reality (VR). Recent advances in generative AI have enabled the automatic creation of realistic 3D layouts. However, it is unclear how capabilities of generative AI can be used in immersive authoring to support fluid interactions, user agency, and creativity. We introduce VRCopilot, a mixed-initiative system that integrates pre-trained generative AI models into immersive authoring to facilitate human-AI co-creation in VR. VRCopilot presents multimodal interactions to support rapid prototyping and iterations with AI, and intermediate representations such as wireframes to augment user controllability over the created content. Through a series of user studies, we evaluated the potential and challenges in manual, scaffolded, and automatic creation in immersive authoring. We found that scaffolded creation using wireframes enhanced the user agency compared to automatic creation. We also found that manual creation via multimodal specification offers the highest sense of creativity and agency.

Social VR for Professional Networking: A Spatial Perspective

分类: 人机交互

作者: Victoria Chang, Ge Gao, Huaishu Peng

发布时间: 2024-08-17

链接: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09280v1

摘要: One essential function of professional events, such as industry trade shows and academic conferences, is to foster and extend a person's connections to others within the community of their interest. In this paper, we delve into the emerging practice transitioning these events from physical venues to social VR as a new medium. Specifically, we ask: how does the spatial design in social VR affect the attendee's networking behaviors and experiences at these events? To answer this question, we conducted in-situ observations and in-depth interviews with 13 participants. Each of them had attended or hosted at least one real-world professional event taking place in social VR. We identified four elements of VR spatial design that shaped social interactions at these events: area size, which influenced a person's perceived likelihood of encountering others; pathways connecting areas, which guided their planning of the next activity to perform; magnets in areas, which facilitated spontaneous gatherings among people; and conventionality, which affected the assessment of a person's behavior appropriateness. Some of these elements were interpreted differently depending on the role of the participant, i.e., event hosts vs. attendees. We concluded this paper with multiple design implications derived from our findings.

“我试图展现真实的自己”:通过体现社交 VR 化身的隐形残疾人的自我呈现偏好

分类: 人机交互

作者: Ria J. Gualano, Lucy Jiang, Kexin Zhang, Tanisha Shende, Andrea Stevenson Won, Shiri Azenkot

发布时间: 2024-08-15

链接: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08193v1

摘要: 随着社交虚拟现实 (VR) 的日益普及,设计具有包容性的化身至关重要。虽然研究人员已经调查了盲人和聋哑人希望在 VR 中披露自己的残疾的方式和原因,但对于许多其他患有隐形残疾(例如多动症、阅读障碍、慢性病)的人的偏好却知之甚少。我们通过采访 15 名参与者来填补这一空白,每名参与者都有 1 到 3 名隐形残疾,他们总共代表 22 种不同的隐形残疾。我们发现,隐形残疾人通过根据他们之前的经历进行情境化考虑来进行基于化身的披露。例如,一些人希望使用 VR 的具体功能(例如面部表情和肢体语言)来动态地表示他们的能量水平或与他人互动的意愿,而另一些人则倾向于在任何情况下都不要透露他们的残疾身份。我们为体现的无形残疾表达(公共和私人)定义了一个二元框架,并讨论了三种披露模式(积极分子、非披露者和情境披露者),为未来包容性 VR 体验的设计提供信息。

EmBARDiment:提高 XR 生产力的嵌入式 AI 代理

分类: 人机交互, 多代理系统

作者: Riccardo Bovo, Steven Abreu, Karan Ahuja, Eric J Gonzalez, Li-Te Cheng, Mar Gonzalez-Franco

发布时间: 2024-08-15

链接: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08158v1

摘要: 运行由大型语言模型 (LLM) 支持的聊天机器人的 XR 设备作为始终在线的代理具有巨大的潜力,可以实现更好的生产力场景。然而,基于屏幕的聊天机器人并没有利用 XR 中提供的全套自然输入,包括向内的传感器数据,而是过度依赖明确的语音或文本提示,有时与丢弃的多模式数据配对作为查询的一部分。我们提出了一种利用注意力框架的解决方案,该框架从 XR 环境中的用户操作、眼睛注视和上下文记忆中隐式导出上下文。这最大限度地减少了对设计明确提示的需求,促进了基础和直观的交互,为聊天机器人收集用户见解。我们的用户研究表明,我们简化 XR 与聊天机器人的用户交互的方法具有迫在眉睫的可行性和变革潜力,同时为未来 XR 体现的 LLM 代理的设计提供见解。

研究 VR 对象的视觉感知与其物理世界代理的触觉感知之间的尺寸一致性

分类: 人机交互

作者: Wenqi Zheng, Dawei Xiong, Cekai Weng, Jiajun Jiang, Junwei Li, Jinni Zhou, Mingming Fan

发布时间: 2024-08-15

链接: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.08018v1

摘要: 对物理对象和微缩模型的感知增强了 VR 的真实感和沉浸感。这项工作探讨了真实物体的触觉反馈与其在 VR 中的视觉表现之间的关系。该研究考察了用户如何确认和调整不同虚拟对象的大小。结果表明,随着虚拟立方体尺寸的增加,用户不太可能正确感知尺寸并需要更多调整。这项研究提供了关于触觉和视觉输入如何相互作用的见解,有助于理解 VR 环境中的视觉触觉错觉。

增强同地共享 VR 体验:在 HMD 和 2D 屏幕上代表非 HMD 观察者

分类: 人机交互

作者: Zixuan Guo, Wenge Xu, Hongyu Wang, Tingjie Wan, Nilufar Baghaei, Cheng-Hung Lo, Hai-Ning Liang

发布时间: 2024-08-14

链接: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.07470v1

摘要: 虚拟现实 (VR) 不仅允许头戴式显示器 (HMD) 用户沉浸在虚拟世界中,还可以与他人分享。如果设计得当,这种共享体验将会是令人愉快的。然而,在典型场景中,HMD 用户被设备隔离,非 HMD 观察者与虚拟世界缺乏联系。为了解决这个问题,我们的研究调查了在 HMD 和 2D 屏幕上以视觉方式呈现观察者的方式,以增强共享体验。该研究包括五种代表性条件,表明纳入观察者代表性会对 HMD 用户和观察者产生积极影响。对于如何设计和表示它们,我们的工作表明,HMD 用户更喜欢显示真实世界视觉效果的方法,而观察者则对用真实或虚拟图像表示表示不同的偏好。我们提供针对两种显示器量身定制的设计指南,为增强 HMD 用户和非 HMD 观察者的共处共享 VR 体验提供宝贵的见解。

探索直通对公共环境中 VR 运动游戏的影响:实地研究

分类: 人机交互

作者: Zixuan Guo, Hanxiao Deng, Hongyu Wang, Angel J. Y. Tan, Wenge Xu, Hai-Ning Liang

发布时间: 2024-08-14

链接: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.07468v1

摘要: 久坐行为在日常工作和学习环境中变得越来越普遍。 VR 运动游戏已成为这些工作和学习场所的一种有前景的解决方案。然而,在这些环境中的私人空间并不容易,在公共环境中参与 VR 运动游戏也带来了一系列挑战(例如安全、社会接受度、隔离和隐私保护)。 VR 耳机中最近开发的直通功能使用户能够保持对周围环境的了解,从而增强安全性和便利性。尽管具有潜在的好处,但人们对 Passthrough 如何影响用户性能和体验以及如何解决在现实公共环境中玩 VR 运动游戏的挑战知之甚少。据我们所知,这项工作首次在大学校园的地下通道中进行实地研究,以无干扰的封闭房间作为基线,探索 Passthrough 在现实公共环境中的使用。结果表明,在公共环境中启用直通可以提高性能而不影响存在。此外,传递可以提高社会接受度,尤其是在自我意识水平较高的个体中。这些发现凸显了 Passthrough 在鼓励公共环境中采用 VR 运动游戏的潜力,对整体健康和福祉具有良好的影响。

拉伸还是振动?通过盲人触觉反馈在 VR 中渲染静态和移动物体的空间信息

分类: 人机交互

作者: Jiasheng Li, Zining Zhang, Zeyu Yan, Yuhang Zhao, Huaishu Peng

发布时间: 2024-08-13

链接: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.06550v1

摘要: 对于寻求沉浸式虚拟现实体验的盲人用户来说,感知虚拟对象的空间信息(例如方向、距离)至关重要,但也具有挑战性。为了方便盲人用户使用 VR,在本文中,我们研究了两种类型的触觉提示(振动触觉提示和皮肤拉伸提示)在应用于盲人背侧时传达虚拟对象的空间信息的有效性用户的手。我们对 10 名盲人用户进行了一项用户研究,调查他们如何使用定制的触觉设备感知 VR 中的静态和移动物体。我们的结果表明,与振动触觉线索相比,盲人用户在接收皮肤拉伸线索时可以更准确地理解物体的位置和运动。我们讨论了两种类型的触觉提示的优缺点,并针对未来 VR 可访问性的触觉解决方案提出了设计建议。

VirtualNexus:通过环境剪切和虚拟副本增强 360 度视频 AR/VR 协作

分类: 人机交互

作者: Xincheng Huang, Michael Yin, Ziyi Xia, Robert Xiao

发布时间: 2024-08-06

链接: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.02914v1

摘要: 非对称 AR/VR 协作系统将远程 VR 用户带到本地 AR 用户的物理环境中,使他们能够在共享的虚拟/物理空间内进行通信和工作。此类系统通常通过 3D 重建或 360 度视频来显示远程环境。虽然 360 度摄像机以更高的质量传输环境,但它们缺乏空间信息,从而降低了交互性。我们推出 VirtualNexus,这是一种 AR/VR 协作系统,可通过环境剪切和虚拟副本增强 360 度视频 AR/VR 协作。 VR 用户可以定义远程环境的切口,将其作为一个微型世界进行交互,并且他们的交互会与本地 AR 视角同步。此外,AR 用户可以使用神经渲染快速扫描和共享物理对象的 3D 虚拟复制品。我们通过 3 个示例应用程序展示了我们系统的实用性,并在二元可用性测试中评估了我们的系统。 VirtualNexus 扩展了 360 度远程呈现系统的交互空间,提供改进的物理临场感、多功能性和交互清晰度。
